

Friday, May 2, 2014

How to become Meteorologist


In general terms, a Meteorologist is someone who observes, reports and forecasts weather conditions. There are several different kinds of Meteorologists, including the following:

  •       Weather forecasters
  •       Climatologists
  •       Researchers in Atmospheric Sciences
  •       Consulting Meteorologists
  •       Lecturers
  •       Weather broadcasters
Meteorology is a tough subject, which requires pre/co-requisite knowledge in higher mathematics, advanced physics and chemistry, as well as a good computer proficiency.  The basis requirement for becoming a Meteorologist is a BSc degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Sciences. Another option is to first get a BSc in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, or Engineering and then follow an MSc Course in Meteorology. Teaching, research or management positions usually require an MSc degree or a Ph.D. The responsibility of collecting and reporting observational weather data is normally undertaken by Meteorological Technicians, who do not need to possess an academic degree. Their qualification is normally obtained through completion of technical-level courses of a varying duration – from a few months to 1-2 years, depending on the envisaged work. For more formal information on the qualification requirements for Meteorologists and Meteorological Technicians see new WMO-No. 1083, Parts 2 and 3, respectively.
Those wishing to embark on the career of Meteorologist must have a hunger to understand how the physical world and especially the atmosphere and oceans work (A career in Meteorology). Some positions may require complementary knowledge in other Earth Science fields. Be aware that Meteorologists may be required to work nights and/or weekends if they are involved in any area of weather forecasting. There may also be pressure to meet deadlines during times of weather emergencies; the ability to analyze data accurately and quickly, and to take sound operational decisions is essential. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are required to communicate specialist information to non-specialists. Include environmental meteorology (e.g. air pollution, climate change, ozone depletion, harmful solar radiation) classes in your course list, since in the 21st century individuals will be needed to research and interpret data related to that area. Remember that those positions may require a master's degree. If you want to be a TV weather person, journalism and mass-media communication courses will be necessary, besides a good knowledge of atmospheric physics and chemistry. You may also consider private weather consulting firms for employment, including as forensic meteorologist – providing meteorological information and advice for legal cases.                                                                                           

Career becoming meteorologist


The basic requirement for becoming a meteorologist or a climatologist is a 4-year Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Sciences. Some teaching, research or management positions require a Masters of Science degree or a Ph.D.

Whether you already know you want to become a meteorologist or if you're really not sure, the best thing you can do is to shadow or intern with local meteorologists. This is extremely important because it allows you to have a hands on approach and really get to see how we forecast the weather. Just a note, most internships aren't paid, but some of the forecasting techniques that you learn will be more valuable than money.

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhDPh.D.D.Phil., or DPhil[1] in English-speaking countries and originally asDr.Philos. (for the Latin philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae), is in many countries a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities. The academic level known as a Doctorate of philosophy varies considerably according to the country, institution, and time period, from entry-level research degrees to higher doctorates. A person who attains a doctorate of philosophy is automatically awarded the academic title of doctor.

bahasa malaysia = ijazah doktor falsafah

Master of Science

Master of Science or M.S. (LatinMagister Scientiae; abbreviated M.Sc.M.Sci.M.Si.Sc.M.M.S.MS) is a postgraduate academic master's degree awarded by universities in many countries. The degree is typically granted for studies in the sciences or engineering or medicine.

bahasa malaysia = ijazah sarjana

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science (Bc.B.S.BSB ScB.Sc. or BSc; less commonly, S.B.SB, or Sc.B. from the Latin ScientiƦ Baccalaureus) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for completed courses that generally last three to five years.

bahasa melaysia = ijazah sarjana muda / sarjana muda

Interview - Research Meteorologist


Helen did her GCSEs at The Arnewood School in New Milton, Hants and her A-levels (Maths, Further Maths, French and Chemistry) at Brockenhurst Tertiary College, Hants. She then went on to do a Combined Honours BSc Degree in Maths and French at the University of Exeter. She graduated from there in the Summer of 1996, having spent a year in France at Rennesas part of the 4 year course.

How do I become a meteorologist


Although many schools offer nondegree programs in basic meteorology, the majority of practicing meteorologists hold at least an undergraduate degree in meteorology. The program includes basic courses in physics, chemistry, biology, calculus, and computer science. The typical degree program is as vigorous as any engineering program. Most meteorology undergraduates who wish to receive high grades will need to sacrifice some of their social life. But if you use your time wisely and approach the curriculum maturely, there will still be time for a rounded college experience. Because the job market is always competitive, the best opportunities will be waiting for those who perform well during those four short years.
Those who pursue research and teaching will go beyond a four-year degree and seek a masters or doctorate. Some who take the research route may hold an undergraduate degree in one of the sciences or mathematics—but not meteorology. In some cases, a degree in math, physics, or chemistry followed by a Master's and doctorate in meteorology are be the best track for researchers. Some of the top graduate schools in meteorology encourage students to receive undergraduate degrees in math or physics rather than meteorology. But for those who love the weather, waiting until graduate school for meteorology courses may be too long. It was for me.